The efficiency of the lending policy of the Agricultural Bank in Libyan During the period 1990-2011

Naser-M-Ali , Rabiaa khaled, Musbah Brka (1)
(1) , Libya


The purpose of this research is to study the efficiency of the loans policy of the Agricultural Bank in Libya during the period 1990-2011, and to achieve this goal of the study has known agricultural development loans by using the general equations of the time trend of the values of agricultural loans, and the numbers which benefited of various loans. The results showed that the average growth rate of medium-term loans was 11.1%, followed by long-term loans of 10.2%, thirdly short-term loans 2%. Also, the value of long-term loans has occupied first place of arithmetic mean which estimated by 42.2 million dinars, and then followed by short-term loans which is estimated at 18.3 million dinars.  The repayment rate of agricultural loans granted in different periods reached a maximum 139 million dinars in 1992, and they were accumulations of collect the agricultural subsidy values of the past years. Moreover, the lowest reimbursement rate was in 2011 around 4.4 million dinars. Finally, this study has achieved several recommendations, one of them it is necessary to improve the enabling efficiency of loans to ensure continuity and sustainability of the bank, also, it is important to continuously evaluate the Bank's performance, and   strong attention to collect rates of various loans which support the Bank's financial position.

ربيعة خالد خليفة محمد و ناصر محمد علي المسلاتي و مصباح بركه مسعود جمعة. (2018). The efficiency of the lending policy of the Agricultural Bank in Libyan During the period 1990-2011. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2).

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