The Evaluation of the Investment Effeminacy For Grapes Farms in The Southern Region

Musbah B. M. Gumah, Ali A. I. ALshahat , Halah E . M . Bassiony (1)
(1) , Libya


The study aimed at The Evaluation of the Investment Effeminacy for Grapes Farms in The Southern Region and to analyze the economic efficiency indicators, the most important of which are the internal rate of return, the percentage of benefits to costs, net present value and the speed of capital turnover. 20 years. Through a random sample of the grape farms, which included 20 farms of grape production farms The results of the classification of cultivars in the vineyards in the southern region according to the productivity at the level of the sample of the study indicate that the average productivity of the grape tree is about 60 kg / tree of the specimen. In terms of the highest price for the sale of kilograms of grapes, the strawberry category was 4 dinars / kg. Total cash inflows reached about 7.77 million during the last 20 years, with a total value about 29.1 million. The total external cash outflow about  56.9 million during the 20 years, with a total present value about 20.5 million. The total net cash flows amounted about 20.8 million during the 20 years, with a total value about 58 million. The rate of return on investment in grape farms with different varieties in the southern region is about 45%, which is much higher than the lending rate in commercial banks, the net present value and the speed of capital turnover, which are positive

and rewarding, which was 45%, 1.41 ,58 million dinars, 2.24 years respectively.                                    

مصباح بركة مسعود جمعة و علي أحمد ابراهيم علي الشحات و هالة السيد محمد بسيوني. (2018). The Evaluation of the Investment Effeminacy For Grapes Farms in The Southern Region. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2).

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