Effect of Photovoltaic Generator on Electric System at Al Jaghbub Oasis

Adel Hamad Rafa (1)
(1) , Libya


This paper propose 17MW photovoltaic (PV) power plant in the Al Jaghbub Oasis that located in south of Libya where solar energy is available. This Oasis is connected to Libyan network through medium voltage transmission line and its local load is small. This transmission line experiences a voltage rise, which increases in magnitude of voltage. This project explain how to take advantage of the implementation of solar energy to cover domestic load and export excess power to  the grid as well as to reduce the voltage in 66 kV network. Thus application of PV generators has an effect on voltage profile. Also the design of PV power plant and the control system to control active power and power factor are described in this paper. The controlled PV power plant connected to 66KV network has been successfully modeled, implemented and tested using a power system simulation program PSCAD.


Adel Hamad Rafa. (2018). Effect of Photovoltaic Generator on Electric System at Al Jaghbub Oasis . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v17i2.173

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