Fungal biomass production in mycological liquid medium by some ochratoxigenic fungi under static and shake culture conditions.

Jamal I. Elzwai, Mohammed A. Alshareef, Elfathi A. Elbarkoli and Salima, A. Aldokali (1)
(1) , Libya


In this study, fungal biomass production by some fungi which isolated from different cereal samples obtained from the south east of  Libya was studied by using four mycological medium under shake and static condition.  It has been found that fungal biomass was higher under shake culture than that of static condition. Its may be because of the adequate mass, heat transfer. Aspergillus carbonarius isolate produced higher fungal biomass on PDB under shake culture, whereas higher fungal biomass obtained on MEB under static condition. By A. ochraceus isolate it was higher on MEB under shake culture, while it was higher on CPDB under static condition. By A. ochraceus CBS 588.68,  it was higher on CPDB under shake culture and on MEB under static condition. By A. niger 285522  it was higher on MEB under shake culture and on CPDB under static condition. The results idicates that ochratoxin A production was detected earlier under shake cluture than static conditions on the mycological media using TLC technique.

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Jamal I. Elzwai, Mohammed A. Alshareef, Elfathi A. Elbarkoli and Salima, A. Aldokali
Jamal I. Elzwai, Mohammed A. Alshareef, Elfathi A. Elbarkoli and Salima, A. Aldokali. (2018). Fungal biomass production in mycological liquid medium by some ochratoxigenic fungi under static and shake culture conditions. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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