Determination of Mutagenicity Factor of Mutation Induction in (HPRT1) Gene in V79 Cells As a Result of Exposure to Protons and Deuterons

Abubaker Ali Yousif , Zidan Mohamd Houmani (1)
(1) , Libya


It is well established that the exposure to ionizing radiation may lead to production of many biological lesions. To quantify this lesions which occur in living cells, one needs to specify the specifications of ionizing radiation quality from charged particles, and the response properties of the irradiated biological material. In this research, the interpolation method was applied to determine the missing values of physical parameters, while the biological parameters were determined based on the dose-response curves published in the literature for mutations occurred in Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosy Transferase gene one (HPRT1 ) in V79 cells exposed in vitro for low energies protons and deutros. The findings were that the mean free path for linear primary ionization represents the best physical quality parameter in determining the Mutagenicity factor of light charged particles (protons and deuterons). While the Mutagenicity factors, determined based on this parameter, for protons and deuterons were equal to 69% and 83% respectively.

أبوبكر علي يوسف و زيدان محمد حوماني. (2019). Determination of Mutagenicity Factor of Mutation Induction in (HPRT1) Gene in V79 Cells As a Result of Exposure to Protons and Deuterons. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(1).

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