Effectiveness test of Terpenoid Extracts of Sabahaia Plant (Melia azedarach L) and Jojoba Plant (Simmondsia chinensis) Against the Melon Fly (Dacus frontalis) on oviposition deterrent and repellent activities in pumpkin fruits

Nagia Musa Sasi, Taha Ben Hussien, Samira Musa Sasi, Salah Eashur Alsaghir (1)
(1) , Libya


The methanolic terpenoid extracts of Sabahaia Plant (Melia azedarach L) and Jojoba Plant (Simmondsia   chinensis) were tested under laboratory conditions for oviposition deterrent and repellent activities against the Melon Fly (Dacus frontalis) in pumpkin.fruits. The extracts were obtained by evaporator system, 10%, 16% and 24% concentrations were prepared from Sabahaia plant, and 10%, 15% and 20% concentrations were prepared from jojoba plant, and  the  pumpkin fruits were treated with the two extracts. The results showed that the average pupae weight from fruits treated with Sabahia plant terpenoid extract were as follows: 0.015, 0.014 and 0.016 gram at the concentration 10%, 16% and 24% respectively, meanwhile, the average pupae weight in control was 0.015 gram which shows no significant difference between the used extract concentration and the control. On the other hand, the average pupae weight resulted from pumpkin fruits treated with jojoba plant terpenoid extract concentrations of  10%, 15% and 20% were 0.011, 0.008 and 0.012 gram respectinely, there were no significant differences between the used concentrations and the control (untreated fruits), the control average pupae weight was 0.013 gram.

ناجية موسى ساسي و طه بن حسين و سميرة موسى ساسي و صلاح عاشور الصغير. (2018). Effectiveness test of Terpenoid Extracts of Sabahaia Plant (Melia azedarach L) and Jojoba Plant (Simmondsia chinensis) Against the Melon Fly (Dacus frontalis) on oviposition deterrent and repellent activities in pumpkin fruits. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v16i2.206

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