The role of the dimensions of talent management in improving of the service quality in institutions of higher education

Hasan Abd Elslam Ali Omran & Mohamed Ali Altaher Abdo (1)
(1) , Libya


The talent management related to any issue, are considered as an important matter for any serves organizational, cause the change for business environment and developments fast, the current study has dealt with than important aspect is the role of the dimensions of talent management as(strategy development, management contact, empowerment) in improving of the service quality in institutions of higher education the problem of study can be illustrated in the following question: Istherea role of the dimensions of talent management for improving of the service quality in institutions of higher education ?  The goal of the study is find out there is role of dimensions of talent management for improving of the service quality in institutions of higher education. The community of the study of all the staff at the University of Sebha (faculty members, administrators, technicians) and then select a sample of (32) single and then rely on-resolution to collect the raw data, and give each paragraph weight is listed in accordance with a scale of Likert tri and then data analysis using the program (SPSS) with a view to come to rule the right a response to sample the study on the paragraphs questionnaire and find out the results in this study the existence relationship between the dimensions of talent management as independence variable and The quality of educational services  as dependent variable, and also  the change of quality of service educational cause dimensions of talent management.

حسن عبدالسلام علي عمران و محمد على الطاهر عبدو. (2018). The role of the dimensions of talent management in improving of the service quality in institutions of higher education . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(2).

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