Effects Of Manure Levels On Growth And Yield Of Yellow Corn In Sandy Soil Under Dry Climate

Khalid Elzobair, Maryam ThabitAlkanami, Abdalla Alaswd (1)
(1) , Libya


A field study was conducted in sandy soil to evaluate the effects of  manure levels (0 ton ha-1, 5 ton ha-1, and 10 ton ha-1)  on the growth and the yield of yellow corn. Treatments were randomly assigned to nine experimental units (2 m × 2 m) with three replicates. Corn yield, plant height (after 30 days and at harvest), and  total organic matter were measured. Results showed that there werenot significant effects of manure levels on corn yield or total organic matter at the rate of  5 ton ha-1 and 10 ton ha-1.Results revealed that manure has an effect on plant growth during the early stages of growingbut this effect was not observed at harvest. The outcomes of the study suggested that to exploit such soil, chemical fertilizers beside organic amendment should be applied to boostplant growth and yield in the short term.

Khalid Elzobair, Maryam ThabitAlkanami, Abdalla Alaswd. (2018). Effects Of Manure Levels On Growth And Yield Of Yellow Corn In Sandy Soil Under Dry Climate. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v16i2.212

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