Roughness in Anti Semigroup

Faraj. A. Abdunabi (1) , Ahmed shletiet (2) , Najah. A. Bosaif (3)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya ,
(3) , Libya


In this paper, we present the concepts of the upper and lower approximations of Anti-rough subgroups, Anti-rough subsemigroups, and homeomorphisms of Anti-Rough anti-semigroups in approximation spaces. Specify the concepts of rough in Finite anti-groups of types (4) are studies. Moreover, some properties of approximations and these algebraic structures are introduced. In addition, we give the definition of homomorphism anti-group.

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Faraj. A. Abdunabi
Ahmed shletiet
Najah. A. Bosaif (Primary Contact)
Faraj. A. Abdunabi, Ahmed shletiet, & Najah. A. Bosaif. (2022). Roughness in Anti Semigroup. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(4), 251–253.

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