Smart Parking to Solve the Phenomenon of Traffic Congestion The Study Area: (Dhahra-Zawiya Al-Dahmani) in Tripoli, Libya

Basheer Alnnaas (1) , Mohamed Wali Sharef (2) , Manssour Bin Miskeen (3)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) Sebha University, Libya ,
(3) , Libya


Tripoli is the capital of Libya and its largest city. Its population is currently approximately three million, which is equivalent to half the population of Libya. In recent decades, the city has become a destination for Libyans. It is crowded with people from all over the country, This situation was, of course, reflected in the increase in traffic in the city in general and on its center in particular. Accordingly, our study focuses on the area (Al-Dhahra-Zawiya Al-Dahmani) because it is an important and large part of the city center with a high density of population and an increase in car ownership. One of the scenes of this congestion is that citizens spend long hours on the road before reaching their places when passing through this area, which has become Thus (Al-Dhahra-Zawiya Al-Dahmani) under great traffic pressure, which led to the emergence of the phenomenon of traffic congestion and the inability of the existing roads and car parks in the study area to absorb this traffic momentum, forcing vehicle owners, for example, to park their cars on both sides of the main and secondary streets from the inside and near intersections and turns, And other evidence related to the phenomenon of traffic congestion, this paper suggested that the smart parking one of the main solution to this phenomenon  and in the end the paper concluded with a summary that drew some recommendations that inevitably will be the focus of attention for everyone involved in this topic.


Basheer Alnnaas (Primary Contact)
Mohamed Wali Sharef
بشير مصباح خليفة النعاس, محمـــد الولي عبد القادر الشـريف, & منصـــور بن مســــكين. (2022). Smart Parking to Solve the Phenomenon of Traffic Congestion The Study Area: (Dhahra-Zawiya Al-Dahmani) in Tripoli, Libya. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(2), 175–182.

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