Absolutely Continuous Invariant Measures for Piecewise Expanding Chaotic Transformations in R^n with Summable Oscillations of Derivative

Abdusslam Osman Beitalmal (1)
(1) Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Sebha University, Libya


This paper presents a detailed investigation of absolutely continuous invariant measures (ACIMs) for piecewise expanding chaotic transformations in , with particular attention paid to the case where the derivative has summable oscillations. ACIMs are important objects in the study of dynamical systems, as they provide a way to understand the long-term behavior of trajectories and the statistical properties of the system. The paper covers a range of important topics related to ACIMs, including the boundedness condition, distortion condition, localization condition, and Schmitt's condition. It also discusses the Perron-Frobenius operator, which plays a critical role in the existence and properties of ACIMs. The main result of the paper is the proof that the Perron-Frobenius operator is constrictive, which implies the existence of a finite number of ergodic ACIMs that satisfy Schmitt's condition and a condition dependent on the defining partition. This finding has significant implications for the understanding of complex systems and the advancement of research in this field. The paper also discusses the relationship between ACIMs and dynamical systems, highlighting the role of ACIMs in ergodic theory. Overall, this paper provides a valuable reference for researchers interested in the study of ACIMs and their significance in the analysis of dynamical systems and ergodic theory.

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Abdusslam Osman Beitalmal
abd.beitalmal@sebhau.edu.ly (Primary Contact)
Beitalmal , A. O. (2023). Absolutely Continuous Invariant Measures for Piecewise Expanding Chaotic Transformations in R^n with Summable Oscillations of Derivative. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(2), 73–82. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v22i2.2342

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