Modelling, Specification, and Evaluation Language (MOSEL-2) Overview

Wael S. Abughres , Mohamed A. Mgheder , Ahmed B. Abdurrman (1)
(1) , Libya


Modeling, Specification & Evaluation Language (MOSEL), tool used for the performance and reliability modeling of communication systems, computers, and manufacturing systems, once the system is specified using this language. The modeling language is part of the evaluation environment. Once the system is specified using the language, the evaluation environment takes place by executing the performance analyses of the model, and calculating the steady state probabilities . After this stage, results can be collected in the result file or in graphics mode using the Intermediate Graphical Language (IGL), where the aim of this paper is  to give an overview of mosel and to show a real example under windows platform.

Wael S. Abughres , Mohamed A. Mgheder , Ahmed B. Abdurrman. (2017). Modelling, Specification, and Evaluation Language (MOSEL-2) Overview. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(1).

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