An Investigation into Material Handling Impact Factors on Performance Levels Within Libyan Service Organisations- A Case Study

Faraj Eldabee (1)
(1) epartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Elmergib University, Al-Khoms, Libya


This paper focuses on investigating the impacts of material handling (MH) on the performance factors within Libyan service organisations. The main objective of this paper is to ascertain the impacts of MH within Al-Khoms seaport for achieving better performance and generating invaluable efficiency and cost reduction. An analytical descriptive approach is used, and findings illustrate that the role of MH management for minimising the whole expenses within the targeted seaport is the key performance among all the investigated factors. Also, a positive correlation between MH and the organisation performance factors was clearly seen since MH reduces handling costs, organisation hazards and idle time for labors. Based on the findings, further research will be proposed for improving the processes of MH and effective decisions within organisations using simulation models.


Faraj Eldabee (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Faraj Eldabee, epartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Elmergib University, Al-Khoms


Eldabee ف. (2023). An Investigation into Material Handling Impact Factors on Performance Levels Within Libyan Service Organisations- A Case Study. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(1), 1–4.

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