Effect of substituting white wheat flour with fermented barley flour and fermented bran on its functional properties

Hoda Mahmoud El-Tohamy (1) , Ali M. Elgerbi (2) , Muna Abdulsalam Ilowefah (3)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya ,
(3) , Libya


This study aimed to evaluate the ability of white wheat flour supplemented with ferment wheat bran and barley flour to bind water and oil. Where, wheat bran and barley flour were fermented until reaching moderate acidity (pH 5.5). The fermented materials were add to white wheat flour in proportions of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%. Then, the ability to bind oil and water of the resultant composite flours were measured. A 100 g of barley flour and wheat bran were separately fermented by adding 2 g of baker's yeast and 200 ml of distilled water. The fermentation process was performed at 30˚C ±2 and the pH was measured after every half an hour until it reached a neutral acidity (pH 5.5), thereafter, samples were dried at 40°C until the moisture content was reduced to 10%. The results showed that wheat bran reached pH 5.5 after 6h of fermentation time, while barley flour took 4h to reach moderate acidity. The study also indicated that the highest water binding ratio of both composite flours was at an addition of 30%. Whereas, the highest value of oil binding ability was at 30% for composite flour with the fermented bran and 15% for composite flour with fermented barley flour.


Muna Abdulsalam Ilowefah
mun.ilowefah@sebhau.edu.ly (Primary Contact)
هدى محمود التهامي, علي مختار الجربي, & منى عبد السلام الويفة. (2022). Effect of substituting white wheat flour with fermented barley flour and fermented bran on its functional properties. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(3), 43–45. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v21i3.2453

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