Positive effects of Ramadan fasting on type 2 diabetic patients

Naser M. Alaasswad , Mabroukah. M. Alzwayi , Ibrahim. A. Eshnaf (1)
(1) , Libya


The aim of this study is to show the effect of Ramadan fasting in diabetics .A total of 18 male and female diabetic patients from Sabha region, Libya, observe Ramadan fasting were recruited for this study and completed all study protocol. Their mean age was 47.8 ± 9.8 years. Weight, height, waist and wreck measurements were taken. Blood samples were collected in two periods, Before Ramadan fasting start and one day before Ramadan fasting finish. Complete blood count (CBC), Serum Insulin levels, c-peptide, plasma glucose levels, HBA1c, total cholesterol and triglyceride were measured. The results showed a significant decrease in weight and waist/wreck ratio, also significant lower values of glycemic control represented by glucose, HBA1c, insulin and c-peptide levels during Ramadan fasting. In contrast; no significant difference in case of cholesterol, triglyceride and CBC between pre and during Ramadan period. This study demonstrated that Ramadan fasting is secure for patients with type 2 diabetes and it could be beneficial for those who are well controlled and balanced.

Naser M. Alaasswad , Mabroukah. M. Alzwayi , Ibrahim. A. Eshnaf. (2017). Positive effects of Ramadan fasting on type 2 diabetic patients . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v16i1.25

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