Assessment of Radiation Levels and Potential Radiological Hazards in the Soils of Riruwai Mining Area, North-Western Nigeria
This research aimed to assess the levels of natural radionuclides in the soil of the Riruwai mining area and to evaluate the radiological hazards associated with them. A total of sixty soil samples were collected from four sampling sites during the dry and wet seasons. The concentrations of uranium-238 (238U), thorium-232 (232Th), and potassium-40 (40K) were measured using an HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer, and the measured concentrations were used to estimate the internal and external hazards and gamma dose rate. The results of the analysis indicated that the concentrations of 238U and 232Th in all sampling sites and seasons were higher than the world average. The radionuclide levels in the soils showed a significant seasonal variation, with higher concentrations obtained during the dry season. The correlation analysis revealed a very strong positive relationship between all the radionuclides, which indicates a common origin (parent material). The gamma dose rate computations revealed that only active and abandoned mining sites have a mean gamma dose rate greater than the tolerable limit of 59.00 nGy/h. The internal and external radiological hazards assessments showed that only the active mining sites had the potential to be hazardous to human health. The researchers, therefore, recommend that comprehensive monitoring of mining operations and public education about the dangers of radiation exposure in the study area be carried out.
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