The impact of hearing loss on children's lives from the point of view of an audiologist and speech therapist

Ibtesam Amer (1) , Abdulsalam Albosifi (2)
(1) Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Medical Technology, Sorman, Sabratha University, Libya ,
(2) Department of Hearing and Speech, College of Medical Technology, Sorman, Sabratha University, Libya


Hearing disability is considered one of the disabilities that most affect a person, as it represents an obstacle to his communication and academic excellence, and it also greatly affected the individual’s psyche and social relations, which prompted researchers to conduct this study, to learn more about the most important problems that the deaf and hard of hearing suffer from. all levels. Through the opinions of a number of students of the Department of Hearing and Speech at the College of Medical Technology, Surman, which numbered (50) students, male and female graduates, using the analytical descriptive approach and the questionnaire as a tool. To collect data and information, and by using a number of statistical methods represented by the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, percentage, and relative weight, as the results indicated that there was a high agreement among the sample on the existence of academic, social, psychological, behavioral and medical problems at a large to very large rate. Thus, we recommend the need to educate the parents of these children in particular, and society in general, about the concept of hearing disability and the resulting problems that hinder the affected child from living normally, which negatively affects his life in general.


Ibtesam Amer (Primary Contact)
Abdulsalam Albosifi
Amer ا., & Albosifi ع. (2023). The impact of hearing loss on children’s lives from the point of view of an audiologist and speech therapist. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(3), 129–137.

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