Evaluating the curricula of the architecture departments to develop them in accordance with the concepts of sustainability "Higher education institutions in Libya as a model

Waled Freewan (1) , Abdalsalam ِAlrachidy (2) , Walaeddin Agael (3)
(1) Department of Architecture, Higher Institute Comprehensive Professions, Al-khoms, Libya ,
(2) Department of Architecture, Technical Faculty of Engineering, Mesallata, Libya ,
(3) Department of Architecture, Higher Institute Comprehensive Professions, Al-khoms, Libya


This study deals with the extent of the architectural student's awareness of the concept of sustainability and whether he is familiar with all that is related to sustainability or only part of it. And has been disscussed the issue sustainability. has the issue of sustainability and everything related to it studied theoretically and in practical projects, or was it satisfied with the theoretical study only? And if it is not studied practically, does the professor have a role in this? To achieve the aim of this study, the researchers conducted a questionnaire as a means of collecting data, as the study population consisted of students from the Department of Architecture studying and recent graduates of some Libyan public and private universities. and technical colleges as a random study sample. The questionnaire was distributed electronically to the sample, and (131) questionnaires were collected. After analyzing the data, the study came to know the concept of sustainability. However, it should be emphasized that most of the sample, when applied in practical projects, and with regard to faculty members, should increase the focus and encourage students to apply sustainable design in practical projects during the semester and graduation, which would improve the educational level and keep us the development. In addition to the importance of identifying environmental engineering programs and training students on it.


Waled Freewan
walaeddin1611@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Abdalsalam ِAlrachidy
Walaeddin Agael
Freewan و., ِAlrachidy ع., & Agael و. ا. (2023). Evaluating the curricula of the architecture departments to develop them in accordance with the concepts of sustainability "Higher education institutions in Libya as a model. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(3), 222–228. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v22i3.2806

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