The relationship between tax revenues and economic growth in Libya during the period (1990-2018)

Jummah Bileid (1) , Omar Sasi (2) , Alsanusi Alzawam (3)
(1) Faculty of Commerce and Political Science, Sebha University, Libya ,
(2) Faculty of Commerce and Political Science, Sebha University, Libya ,
(3) Faculty of Commerce and Political Science, Sebha University, Libya


The study aimed to measure the relationship between tax revenues and economic growth in Libya during the period (1990-2018), using the standard approach to estimate the relationship between the study variables, Using the ARDL.  the study concluded that there is a co-integration relationship in the long term between tax revenues and economic growth, and that tax revenues have a negative impact on economic growth, but the effect not significant at 5%.

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Jummah Bileid (Primary Contact)
Omar Sasi
Alsanusi Alzawam
Bileid ج., Sasi ع., & Alzawam ا. (2024). The relationship between tax revenues and economic growth in Libya during the period (1990-2018) . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 23(2), 61–68.

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