Preparing and Implementing Urban Plans "Towards Effective Role of Local Decision Making Mechanisms Related to Spatial Planning in Libya"

Ahmed Mohamed Alhodairi , Abdulrahman Mohamed Elfahd (1)
(1) , Libya


The modern administrative systems tend to enforce the local government and enable it to take its role in dealing with the local tasks and problems, in a high degree of quality and efficiency. Urban planning is considered one of the roles of the local government, since it is directly related to the citizen who is affected and affect the local urban situations in the area where he lives. For the local government to perform its role in preparing and implementing urban plans, it has to have good governance conditions such as public participation, legitimacy, quality and efficiency, transparency, equity, responsiveness to the needs and aspirations.

The research problem is concerned with the existence of an obvious deficiency with the performance of the local government related to the management of urban growth and development, and the preparation and implementation of urban plans. The research aims to study, investigate and evaluate the decision-making process through studying the acting parties in the local decision-making, roles and responsibilities. The main objective is to find out the causes of shortage in the quality and efficiency of the local mechanisms in the decision-making for the urban development, which in turn lead to the deterioration of the urban environment. The research proposes some policies and procedures that help improve the quality and efficiency of these mechanisms.   

أحمد محمد الحضيري و عبدالرحمن محمد الفهد. (2019). Preparing and Implementing Urban Plans "Towards Effective Role of Local Decision Making Mechanisms Related to Spatial Planning in Libya". Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(2).

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