Assessment of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Instant Noodles from Local Markets in Benghazi, Libya
This study aimed to determine the concentrations of heavy metals in various types of instant noodles collected from different markets in Benghazi, Libya. The levels of five metals—cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), arsenic (As), and tin (Sn)—were measured using a triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The results were reported in parts per billion (ppb). The detected ranges of heavy metals in instant noodles were as follows: cadmium (1.75 to 33.63 ppb), chromium (0.46 to 15.47 ppb), lead (2.11 to 47.48 ppb), arsenic (0.22 to 3.54 ppb), and tin (2.01 to 8.04 ppb). The trend of metal concentrations in the noodles was Pb > Cd > Sn > Cr > As. The levels of the selected heavy metals were comparable to data reported in studies conducted in other countries. The heavy metals measured in this study were found to be within the WHO permissible limits, except for Sample No. 2, which showed a cadmium level exceeding the WHO limit. Therefore, long-term consumption of these noodles could lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in the body, posing potential health risks over time.
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