Effect of boiled Peganum harmala seeds on the embryos of experimental laboratory mice

Samira M. Sasi , Nagia M. Sasi , Abdul moneim Alfalah (1)
(1) , Libya


This study was conducted on 120 pregnants Swiss albino mice, their ages 3-4 months and their body weights were 25-30 gm. The aim of this study is to detect the effect of boiled harmal seeds infusion on the embryos, particularly during the period of organogenesis. The pregnants were divided into 6 groups. The pregnants of the first group were given distilled water only and considered to be a control group, while the rest groups were orally given the doses 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 6 g / kg of body weight daily, during the days 7-12 of pregnancy. The results show that the boiled harmal seeds infusion has poison and malformation effects on embryos whose mothers were given doses 1,2,4 and 6 g/kg of body weight, while those of mothers given 0.5 g /kg of body weight appeared normal as those of control group.  All of those observed deformative may be occurred due to the timing of doses given, where the period of organogenesis is considered to be the most critical period of pregnancy, so we advise the pregnants to avoid taking any parts of this plant especially during the early of pregnancy                                                                     

سميرة موسى ساسي و ناجية موسى ساسي و عبدالمنعم الفلاح. (2017). Effect of boiled Peganum harmala seeds on the embryos of experimental laboratory mice. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(1). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v16i1.32

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