Measuring the quality of electronic banking services in Libyan commercial banks from the perspective of customers

Mohammed Abukhzam Faraj , Abdullah Mohammed Amhalhal (1)
(1) , Libya


The dramatic evolution of ICT in banking sector has affected banks around the world to change their strategy in providing banking services. This development, in turn, has led to increased competition among banks for the types of banking services provided, but the process of improving and developing the quality of services must be built according to the wishes of customers. The concept of electronic banking services or known as e- banking is emerged as one of the most important marketing strategies that can be used by banks to compete with each other by winning the satisfaction of customers and satisfy their needs. Libyan banks are among those banks that seek the trend towards electronic banking. However, based on the exploratory studies of the researchers, it was noted that there is criticism by the Libyan bank customers for the quality of electronic services provided to them. The aim of this study is to measure and know the quality of electronic banking services provided by Libyan commercial banks using the service quality measurement model (SERVQUAL). The study concluded that there is a clear decline in the quality of e- banking services provided by Libyan commercial banks. The study recommended that Libyan banks should take regular studies to measure the performance and quality of their e- banking services.

محـمد أبو خزام فرج و عبــدالله محـمد امهلهل. (2019). Measuring the quality of electronic banking services in Libyan commercial banks from the perspective of customers. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(2).

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