Report on Water consumption of some agricultural crops- The province of Fezzan as a case study

Imbaraka Saleh Mohammed Najem (1)
(1) , Libya


The study was conducted to calculate the water needs and scheduling of irrigation for agricultural crops in the region of Fezzan by CROP WAT ver 8. The study relied on the climatic data for the study area, the characteristics of the crop, the planting dates and suitable soil for planting. The main crops and trees in the study area, wheat and barley Oats, tomatoes, potatoes, and trees such as palm trees, olives and citrus to meet the water needs according to the planting season and the stages of growth and was based on the regional and analytical approach.

امباركة صالح محمد ناجم. (2018). Report on Water consumption of some agricultural crops- The province of Fezzan as a case study. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(3).

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