Effect of temperatures on Asphaltic Roads

Bashir M. Aburawi, Melad A. Mohammed, Mohammed M. Abufalga , Naeema. Almgrabr, Saad B. Ghidhan (1)
(1) , Libya


The technology progress that began in the era of modern roads is still ongoing today. Knowledge has spread to the fields of soil and materials used to construction the roads, making roads design more efficient and less expensive. Different temperatures are a major cause of the collapse of asphalt roads. Rising summer temperatures and low winter temperatures cause many road problems. In the study, the number of seven asphalt roads in Al-Khams city was evaluated by indirect tensile strength test of two groups of samples at different temperatures. The results showed that the indirect tensile strength decreased by increasing the test temperature is a clear form of all roads targeted study.

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Bashir M. Aburawi, Melad A. Mohammed, Mohammed M. Abufalga , Naeema. Almgrabr, Saad B. Ghidhan
بشير معمر أبوراوي و ميلاد علي مفتاح و محمد محمد أبوفلغة و نعيم العماري المغربي و سعد بلعيد غيضان. (2019). Effect of temperatures on Asphaltic Roads. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(4). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v18i4.387

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