Study and design new model for Quality of Service Measurements in Mobile Networks sector

Ali Abudraa , Nassir Abuhamoud (1)
(1) , Libya


In mobile networks, performance evaluation is an important part in modeling and designing effective schemes to utilize the limited resource. In the past, performance evaluation was carried out either under restricted assumption on some time variables such as exponential assumption or via simulations. In This paper discusses different schemes for providing Quality of Service (QoS) in cellular networks. Each scheme has its own algorithm to provide QoS and every scheme has its advantages and disadvantages. We have also dealt about an important aspect of QoS which is the Individual QoS (iQoS). iQoS measures the satisfaction rate per user and it is measured individually at each and every user terminal. Voice traffic is very delay sensitive and data traffic is loss sensitive. QoS schemes which try to incorporate both voice and data have to take into consideration this issue.         

Ali Abudraa , Nassir Abuhamoud. (2019). Study and design new model for Quality of Service Measurements in Mobile Networks sector. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(4).

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