Environmental impact of irregular groundwater withdrawal in Wadi Alshati Area

Al-Arabi Ahmad Naji , Al-Mabruk A. Sanoussi (1)
(1) , Libya


This study about the problem of the depletion of ground water in the wadi Alshati area because of the high demand for it to meet the agricultural and urban needs, as well as the extent of the current decline in the groundwater level, with the future forecasting of the water situation of the area and the negative impacts on the surrounding environment. To clarify the current situation of groundwater reserves and to clarify the future vision associated with the stability of life and the fate of the region and future generations. In quantitative terms, the annual drop in groundwater levels has been determined. A sharp drop in groundwater levels has been observed, with the decline in some areas to about 0.981 m/year. The future forecast of water levels has been calculated in the next 26 years; In 2040 it was found that the gradual decrease would occur with a steep and expected decline in water levels. The irregular withdrawal of water levels resulted in the depletion of the eyes of natural water and the dryness of the oases in the Hattiya, as well as the disappearance of many species of birds and animals from the region.  Indicating the economic and social effects and the difficult living conditions that cause the population to migrate to other areas. Therefore, it is recommended to maintain and take full care of this vital and valuable inventory of groundwater and protect it from excessive consumption and depletion, with the development of strategies, plans and programs to ensure that the exploitation of this stock optimally and thus achieve stability and sustainability for future generations.

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Al-Arabi Ahmad Naji , Al-Mabruk A. Sanoussi
العربي أحمد ناجي و المبروك عبدالقادر السنوسي. (2019). Environmental impact of irregular groundwater withdrawal in Wadi Alshati Area. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(4). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v17i4.423

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