Factors influencing employees' job satisfaction at Sebha University

Abdalmunaem Saleh Igrirah (1)
(1) , Libya


Job satisfaction is an important issue due to its close association with job achievement on the one hand and the rate of staff mobility and exit on the other, which in turn has become a serious problem in the management of educational institutions. Research has shown that employees who feel a high rate of job satisfaction are making efforts, participation, enthusiasm, and high energy; dissatisfied staff are distressed, saddened, suffering, and ineffective. This study aims to determine the current level of job satisfaction among the staff of the University of Sabha on the conditions and factors determining job satisfaction in general, as well as determining whether there are differences of statistical significance due to gender and experience. Secondary data obtained from the Quality and Performance Assessment Office at the Sabha University after the approval of the President of the University includes a sample of 1890 employees from different administrative levels come from the faculties and departments of the University in various areas covered by the University in southern Libya. The results of the study showed that the level of job satisfaction for the employees of the University of Sabha is good in general (The main hypothesis) and also for its dimensions except work environment which appeared at a low level. The results of the T test showed that there are differences between males and females in the level of job satisfaction in general, peer relationships and the work environment, and one-way ANOVA test showed that there were only differences in peer relationships and work environment due to the variable of experience. Based on the results of the study, a number of recommendations were suggested.

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Abdalmunaem Saleh Igrirah
عبدالمنعم صالح ابونيران قريره. (2019). Factors influencing employees’ job satisfaction at Sebha University. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v18i2.424

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