A study on Some Traffic Characteristics at Al-Jazeera Intersection in Brak

Ahmed M. Alhodairi, Abdul-Nasser R. Aboulgasem, Ahmed M. Aboulgasem (1)
(1) , Libya


This paper studies and analyzes Aljazeera intersection in Brak. Brak is a small city located at Wadi Al-Shati in the southern part of Libya. The intersection is essential for urban and inter-urban traffic movement at Al-Shati area. Therefore, it is important to assess its workability, in order to find appropriate solutions that improve traffic flow, minimize potential delays and reduce possible traffic accidents.

For study purposes, traffic counts are achieved using manual methods, since they are available. In addition, AASHTO mathematical models used to compute the intersection capacity and delay times, which help in evaluating the intersection efficiency to discharge traffic. Eventually, the study presented a number of conclusions and recommendations on how to improve the intersection workability.

أحمد محمد الحضيري و عبد الناصر رضوان أبوالقاسم و أحمد محمد أبوالقاسم. (2018). A study on Some Traffic Characteristics at Al-Jazeera Intersection in Brak. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v16i2.47

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