The Role of Mixed Economic and Financial Strategies in Local Economic Development in Libya )Case Study: Al-Jafra Municipality-Future Descriptive Study)

Hafiz Zain Abdullah ,Ibrahim Ali Sagheir , Muhammad Imhmd Eabd allatif (1)
(1) , Libya


This study aims at defining the role, objectives, importance and nature of local economic development, its requirements and conditions in Libya in general and in Al-Jufra municipality in particular, and the mixed economic and financial strategies and the extent to which they relate to economic policy in the national economy. To achieve the planned, and the definition of the various characteristics in terms of economic, commercial and financial description available in the municipality of Al-Jafra, also collected data and information from secondary sources related to the subject of this study as well as the Midwives used descriptive as well as deductive and historical approach in building the general and theoretical framework of the study, and in the analytical framework feasibility study method was used in the analysis of data and relevant information and competence, and reached the results of them in order to achieve local development Financing based on three pillars: popular effort funding (citizens), public sector funding (government institutions), and private sector financing (business sector). In addition to the strong and qualified infrastructure to meet the requirements of the series of local development projects, it is clear that the series of local development projects proposed to be implemented in Al Jufra Municipality according to the estimated budgets set out in the research bulletin will create added value in the research. In addition to diversifying the composition of national non-oil exports, it also recommended a set of recommendations, including: Subject to the provision of political stability and security for the existence of an administrative political system effectively able to achieve local development in the country in a comprehensive manner, the support of the proposed financial, economic and commercial capacity to finance a series of economic development projects by the competent authorities to contribute to the municipality Jufrah development institutions.

الحافظ الزين عبد الله و إبراهيم علي الصغير الولي و محمد إمحمد عبد اللطيف. (2019). The Role of Mixed Economic and Financial Strategies in Local Economic Development in Libya )Case Study: Al-Jafra Municipality-Future Descriptive Study). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(5).

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