The reality of small and medium enterprises in the development of the southern Libyan

Mohamed A. Abdo , Abdullah A. Mayhoub (1)
(1) , Libya


The aim of this study is to identify the reality of SMEs in the development of the Libyan south and the challenges it faces by knowing the challenges (administrative, financial, political and legal) faced by small and medium enterprises in the south of Libya, , Where this study was applied to a random sample of the class (90 individual) of the staff of medical services in the South of Libya (50 of the medical staff 40 administrative) The main question of this study was the following question: What is the reality of SMEs in the development of the South of Libya, and the researcher used the analytical descriptive method to achieve the study objective. The researcher also prepared a questionnaire which includes several fields: (SPSS). The study concluded that there are many challenges facing SMEs in the development of the Libyan south, To administrative challenges, followed by financial challenges and finally political and economic challenges.

محمد علي الطاهر عبدو و عبدالله السنوسي ميهوب. (2019). The reality of small and medium enterprises in the development of the southern Libyan. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(5).

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