The lmpact of applying the principles of Reliability of Electronic ccounting Information Systems on Improving Financial Performance An applied study on the Social Security Fund - Sebha

Omar Elsharif , Ali allswad , Walid omran (1)
(1) , Libya


The aim of this study to find out the impact of applying the reliability principles of electronic accounting information systems on improving the financial performance in the social security fund-Sebha from the point of view of employees and administrators working in it. Descriptive analytical method was used by researchers, the survey list was used as the main tool for data collection, and a random sample of (55) single.Statistical analysis program (SPSS) used  to enter and process data and test the hypotheses. The study found that there is an impact of applying  the principles of reliability on improving  financial performance and that there is availability to apply the principles of reliability of electronic accounting information systems to a high degree in the Social Security Fund - Sabha.The order of the principles of reliability respectively (system security, integrity of processing, system privacy, system confidentiality, system readiness.

عمر الشريف و علي السود و وليد عمران. (2019). The lmpact of applying the principles of Reliability of Electronic ccounting Information Systems on Improving Financial Performance An applied study on the Social Security Fund - Sebha. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(5).

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