Stages of strategic Management in the Balanced system card and their role in executing the strategic plan at Bright star University

Yahya saad hamad saleh, Sami Bodbus (1)
(1) , Libya


In light of the resulting development in Modern Management and the tools used to present better role for institutions and organizations within the sharp Competition between organizations and institutions; the balanced system card (BSC) appears as one of the modern tools in evaluating and executing strategic plans put by organizations and institutions. The Balanced System card (BSC) is considered one of the modern tools in Supervising and appraising performance as well as following up for the plans by organization and institutions all over the world. We undertook this study due to the importance of this modern example for appraising performance, follow up and executing strategic plans in all the service and industrial institutions. This example (BSC) was studied in its four parameters (Financial, Operators and internal operations, Education and Development) on one of the Libyan Universities, namely Bright Star University. The study concluded that there were factors for applying the Balanced System card (BSC) inside the University; however, the study showed that there are some problems some of which the non-participation by employees in making decisions and instituting University policies without giving enough importance to the center of quality control. The study also concluded that: there was an associated relationship and influence between the (Balance System Card) (BSC) and strategy, as well as associated relationship between each of the Card's four factors (Financial, Operators and internal operations, Education and Development) with the strategy of follow up and executing existing plans. Also, that the (Balance System Card) is one of the best modern and Complete examples in appraising, follow up and implementing Strategic plans; and that the strategy is one of the most important developing factors in the stages of (BSC) work. The Study showed the order of all strategic placed plans for raising the institution and up grading its role in development within the Libyan state.

يحيى سعد حماد صالح و سامي بودبوس. (2019). Stages of strategic Management in the Balanced system card and their role in executing the strategic plan at Bright star University. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 18(5).

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