Breaking Dormancy of the pine seeds Pinus pinea L

Ramadan S. A. Ahsyee, Alshtewe. A, & Abdalhamed. O. Shoklaf (1)
(1) , Libya


A laboratory experiment was conducted during 2019 at the laboratory of the faculty of science at university of Az zintan in Libya, about seven hundred and fifty meters above sea level, with the aim of determining the optimal treatment for breaking Dormancy of the pine seeds pinus pinea L. before planting and ensuring germination, where 150 seeds treated with four different treatment, including soaking in plain water for 24 hours, soaking in plain water for 48 hours, scratching, comparison treatment (control). The study results showed that using soaking in plain water for 48 hours was the best effect in breaking the dormancy because it gave the highest germination rate of 83.3%.   

رمضان احسى و الشتيوي امسيلخ وعبد الحميد الشُقلاف. (2020). Breaking Dormancy of the pine seeds Pinus pinea L. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(5), 86–89.

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