The Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steels Enhanced By Using Automotive Oil Quenchants (Environmental Impacts)

Taha Abdullah , Mohammed Al Kilani (1)
(1) , Libya


 This work aims to study the effect of utilizing oils of different categories as quenching medium to achieve different rapid cooling rates for low carbon steel samples. Rockwell hardness test was carried out on the 12 mm? and 14 mm low carbon steel samples before and after the heat treatment process.It was found that the positive effects on the mechanical properties are more pronounced in 12 mm? steel samples.  The hardness increased by (Av. 58.5%), as compared with the untreated samples. The mechanical properties for 14 mm ? steel samples increased by (Av. 27.5%), as compared with untreated samples.The overall conclusion is that quenching oils affect the microstructures of the low carbon steels, and the effect varies depending on the type of employed oil. The used oils can have two important advantages. First, it is an affective quanchant to improve the steel hardness and thesecond is to save our environment against the used oil pollution. The prediction concerning the tensile strength from the Brinell hardness showed improvement in the mechanical properties for the (12& 14) mm ? low carbon steel.

Taha Abdullah , Mohammed Al Kilani. (2018). The Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steels Enhanced By Using Automotive Oil Quenchants (Environmental Impacts). Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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