Department's Study Plan

General Department Program

The general department program includes two tracks, the male and female students choose one of them according to their inclination and desires in the specialty in which he wishes to complete the study in two consecutive full semesters and the student must pass 33 units of study for the Technical Division and 36 units for students of the Engineering Division, the General Sciences Department program applies to All students are accepted on college tracks, and the academic system of the college preparatory program is divided into two semesters. Provided that the student successfully passes all the courses specified for him in his plan, and it may also be extended to another semester (exceptionally for students who have been stumbled) and the preparatory year represents the first year of the study plan for all academic departments in the college. Also, the GPA attained by the student at the end of the preparatory year is calculated in the overall GPA for the student in the departments to which he is enrolled.

ر.مالمجموعةالمادةرمز المادة
1مجموعة الفيزياءفيزياء(1)هع111
فيزياء (2)هع212
اسس هندسة كهربائيةهع313
2مجموعة الميكانيك الهندسيميكانيك هندسي (1)هع121
ميكانيك هندسي (2)هع222
3مجمموعة الرسم الهندسيرسم هندسي (1)هع131
رسم هندسي (2)هع232
4مجموعة المتطلبات الجامعيةلغة عربيةعع041
لغة انجليزية (1)عع151
لغة انجليزية (2)عع252
لغة انجليزية (3)عع323
لغة انجليزية (4)عع414
متطلبات جامعيةعع542
طرق بحثعع619
5مجموعة الكيمياءكيمياء عامةعع161
6مجموعة الرياضياترياضة (1)هع171
رياضة (2)هع262
رياضة (3)هع333
رياضة (4)هع424
احصاء هندسيهع515
تحليل عدديهع616
اقتصاد هندسيهع729
7بحث التخرجهع999