Department's Study Plan

Study plans, Department of Food Industries, College of Engineering and Technical Sciences, Sebha University
The academic plan of university colleges is considered one of the most important elements in the educational process, as it depends on it in all executive programs of the educational process.

الخطط الدراسية يتم وضعها وفقا للأهداف الاساسية للكلية …

Vision, mission and goals

Vision, mission and goals

The department should be an accredited center for education, research and consulting.


Provide high-quality education and training to prepare scientifically qualified graduates and researchers with the latest information and practical and intellectual skills.

Department goals

يهدف قسم علوم وتقنية الأغذية إلي تطوير قدرات الدارسين ليلبي …

Department head word

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The study of food science and technology is important at the present time, as it is indispensable for a person to have these vital sciences, from food processing to analyzing and controlling food quality, ending with byproducts of food and recycling factory waste.

يُعد قسم علوم وتقنية …