وصف المادة

اسم المقرر/معالجة الصور الرقمية

Digital Image Processing\Course Name

نظري أو عملي / نظري

مساندة أو تخصصية/  تخصصية

اجبارية أو اختيارية /  اجبارية

  • This introductory course provides the students with the needed material for understanding the
    fundamentals of digital image processing, with emphasis on understanding the basic concepts
    behind various image processing tasks. The connections of image processing with other
    scientific and engineering fields are highlighted throughout the course. Topics covered: Image
    sampling and quantization, color; Frequency Domain Analysis; Image Formats and
    Compression; Image Enhancement; Image Modeling; Segmentation; Classification.
    Students learn to apply material by implementing and investigating image processing algorithms
    using Matlab.

  •  An understanding of the variety of image processing techniques introduced during the
    The ability to apply these image processing techniques.
    The ability to reproduce approaches described in contemporary scientific literature and to
    read and critically review research papers.

    • The course in duration is a minimum of 12 weeks minimum and given once a year.
    • The students have to attend lectures and be provided with lecture notes.
    • Discussions
    • Practical Work in Lab (apply material by implementing and investigating image

    processing algorithms using Matlab ).

    • Written First Midterm Exam to assess knowledge and understanding of students which

    account a total of 20 marks.

    • Written Second Midterm Exam with total of 20 marks.
    • Final Exam consists of written and practical work to assess practical skills with total of

    60 marks.

    • Total Marks for this course 100 marks.