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    All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process to meet academic standards. If a submission passes the initial evaluation by the editor, it will be reviewed by anonymous peer reviewers. The journal may seek guidance from experts and take appropriate actions, including but not limited to selecting reviewers with specific expertise, seeking additional editorial input, or rejecting a submission.

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    Authors are strictly prohibited from using the words, figures, or ideas of others without proper attribution. All sources must be cited at the point of use, and any verbatim text must be enclosed in quotation marks or indented as a block quote. Manuscripts found to contain plagiarized content from other authors, whether published or unpublished, will be rejected, and the authors may face sanctions. Published articles may also require corrections or retractions.

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    Editors and reviewers are expected to decline involvement with a submission when they have had recent publications or current submissions with any of the authors, share an affiliation with any author, collaborate or have recently collaborated with any author, or have previously discussed the manuscript with the authors.

    • Experimental Research Involving Human and/or Animal Subjects

    Experimental research involving human or animal subjects must have received approval from the author's institutional review board or ethics committee. This information should be included in the manuscript, including the name of the board or committee that granted approval. Research involving human subjects must adhere to the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki, while research involving animals must adhere to the Interdisciplinary Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Research, Testing, and Education. If the manuscript contains photographs or parts thereof featuring patients, informed consent must be obtained from each patient, and their identities and privacy must be protected in the manuscript.