Modern poets have cast many types of symbols in Arab

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Mohammed Ali Sulaman Dhaykeel


poetry, which are mythological symbols, historical “heritage” symbols, and natural symbols. Perhaps these symbols were able to intensify poetic sayings and aesthetic experience in the relationship of these symbols to the social, historical, psychological, political, and living contexts. The modernist poet lives under pressure, for example he notes that the most legendary symbols used by the Arab modernist poet are the symbols of fertility and growth, alienation and resurrection such as: Tammuz, Ashtar, Adenis and the phoenix, and symbols of sacrifice and redemption such as : Eurovius, symbols of eternal and continuing failure such as: Sisyphus. In this research, I examined - with God's help and success - the types of artistic symbol, and the levels of its use in modern poetry; As for the types of symbol, as I mentioned the legendary symbol, the historical “heritage” symbol and the natural symbol, the levels of symbol use are: the axial level, the conceptual indicative level, the metaphor level, and the cumulative level.


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How to Cite
Dhaykeel م. ع. س. . (2020). Modern poets have cast many types of symbols in Arab. Journal of Human Sciences, 19(2), 89–99.