Creatine Kinase) CK( activity increased in obese women in region of Brak Ashati/Libya

F. M. Ibrahim , H. H. Ibrahim , M. M. A. Alzwayi (1)
(1) , Libya


Creatine kinase (CK) plays an important role in cellular metabolism. There is a high activity of the enzyme in skeletal muscle fibers, especially type II fibers. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the CK enzyme activity in serum related to obesity in women. We analyzed 61 samples of women in region of Brak, Libya, aged 21 to 69 years, divided into two groups according to their body mass index (BMI), Obese and lean group. Blood samples were collected to measure the activity of CK and CK-MB in serum. 2 sample t-test applied to show the difference and Pearson correlation used to assess the correlation between serum CK and body mass index (BMI). Ck activity was significantly higher in obese women compared with lean once and CK activity positively correlated with BMI.  In conclusion CK activity was affected by obesity and BMI.

F. M. Ibrahim , H. H. Ibrahim , M. M. A. Alzwayi. (2018). Creatine Kinase) CK( activity increased in obese women in region of Brak Ashati/Libya. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 17(1).

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