Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among people attending the combined clinic in Al-Qardah Al-Shati area and its relationship to gender and age

Walaa Hassan Al-Azhari (1) , Mabrouka Muhammad Al-Zawi (2) , Muhammad Ahmed Yunus (3)
(1) , Libya ,
(2) , Libya ,
(3) , Libya


Metabolic syndrome is one of the most prevalent metabolic disorders, that increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This study was conducted to find out the prevalence of this syndrome among people attending the combined clinic in Al-Qardah Al-Shati area, according to the criteria of NCEP ATP III, and demonstrate its relationship to gender and age. The subjects were divided into two groups, according to the incidence of metabolic syndrome (control and patient). Arthrometric measurements and venous blood samples were collected from them to measure the concentration of fat and sugar in serum. The data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 20 program. The results showed a significant difference between the two groups in the all variables under study (P- value less than 0.05) except for systolic pressure, total cholesterol and low-density cholesterol. It was also found that the prevalence of the syndrome among the study population was 58.23%, as it was higher in women than in men, which respectively amounted to 48 (52.17%) and 44 (47.83%), in addition: it was higher among the ages of 40 - 59 years. The study concluded that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome is high, especially in women and between the fourth and sixth decades of age group.

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Walaa Hassan Al-Azhari (Primary Contact)
Mabrouka Muhammad Al-Zawi
Muhammad Ahmed Yunus
Al-Azhari و. ح., Al-Zawi م. م., & Yunus م. أ. (2022). Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among people attending the combined clinic in Al-Qardah Al-Shati area and its relationship to gender and age. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 21(3), 1–5.

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