The ionic conductivity of a nanocomposite electrolyte based on calcium-doped ceria/ternary carbonate

Ibrahim A. Amar, Abubaker Sharif and Mohammed M. Ahwidi (1)
(1) , Libya


Abstract The ionic conductivity of Ca-doped ceria (CDC)-carbonate nanocomposite electrolyte was investigated. CDC powder with a composition of (Ce0.8Ca0.2O2-?) was synthesised via a co-precipitation method and used as the host phase. Ternary carbonate eutectic salt ((Li/Na/K)2CO3) was prepared by solid state reaction and selected as the second phase. The CDC?carbonate composite was prepared by mixing CDC and ternary carbonate powders at weight ratio of 80:20. The structure of CDC powder and CDC?carbonate composite were characterised by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD). The ionic conductivities of the composite electrolyte were measured by impedance spectroscopy (IS) within the temperature range of 300?600 ºC in two different atmospheres (air and wet (3% H2O) 5% H2?Ar). The ionic conductivity of the composite electrolyte was found to be 0.12?1.24 × 10?5, and 0.13?7.97 × 10?5 S cm?1 in air and wet 5% H2-Ar respectively.

Ibrahim A. Amar, Abubaker Sharif and Mohammed M. Ahwidi. (2017). The ionic conductivity of a nanocomposite electrolyte based on calcium-doped ceria/ternary carbonate. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 16(1).

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