The impact of unplanned construction and random expansion on the urban environment of the city of Sebha

Ahmed Alhodairi (1) , Mohamed Wali Al-Shareif (2)
(1) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sebha University, Libya ,
(2) Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Sebha University, Libya


Rapid urban growth in many developing countries has caused some social, economic, health and security problems that increase with the rise of urban growth rates, especially if it occurs away from physical planning fundamentals, regulations and standards. In many cities, areas of random expansion have emerged due to increasing population pressure, either through natural population growth or migration to cities in order to improve living conditions and good access to services and public facilities. These areas have had negative effects on urbanism, environment, society and economy. This paper attempts to shed light on the effects of random and unplanned urban expansion in the city of Sebha, where research is of great importance as it deals with a topic related to sound urban planning which aims to provide basic services, improve housing, environmental and health conditions for citizens, thus helping state institutions and organizations combat many of the problems associated with this phenomenon, identify the underlying factors behind it, ways to address it, reduce its exacerbation, and develop the necessary visions to prevent further emergence in the future. The study ended with a set of results and recommendations that may help decision makers contribute to solving this problem.


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Ahmed Alhodairi (Primary Contact)
Mohamed Wali Al-Shareif
Alhodairi أ., & Al-Shareif م. ا. (2023). The impact of unplanned construction and random expansion on the urban environment of the city of Sebha. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(1), 51–59.

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