Isolation and Identification of fungal genera growth on some Barley and rice samples retailed at Brack/Ashati supermarkets.

Sarah Aboukaleesh (1) , Jamal Elzwai (2) , Albashir Yhmad (3)
(1) Food Technology Department, Faculty of Food Science, Wadi Ashati University, Libya ,
(2) Food Technology Department, Faculty of Food Science, Wadi Ashati University, Libya ,
(3) Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Medical Technology -Wadi Ashati University, Libya


The Wheat, barley and rice are the mainly consumed cereals in Libya. This study aimed to isolate the fungal genera of these cereals with special focus on the mycotoxigenic fungi (Aspergillus) species. Samples type of rice (8 samples) and wheat (3 samples) were collected from the local market in Brack – Ashati, Libya Samples were found heavily contaminated with fungi either before or after surface sterilization with 2% chlorine solution, even though surface sterilization reduced the count but mycotoxigenic fungi still present. A total of 13 isolates were obtained and were identified through the morphological characters such as colony colour, mycelium diameter, spore size and colour and identified as Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. terreus, A. carbonarius, A. parasiticus, A. ochraceus, A. terreus, Mucor, Rhizopus and Cladosporium. Fungal isolates which suspected to produce mycotoxins were studied to investigate their ability to produce mycotoxins using ammonia solution (20%) and the results indicated aflatoxins and ochratoxin A production. The colour of the filter paper which hsa been previously immersed in ammonia solution indicate the presence of these mycotoxins. Presence of such fungal genera in foods can cause a severe problem to the health   such as cancer and kidney failure.

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Sarah Aboukaleesh
Jamal Elzwai (Primary Contact)
Albashir Yhmad
Aboukaleesh س., Elzwai ج., & Yhmad ا. (2023). Isolation and Identification of fungal genera growth on some Barley and rice samples retailed at Brack/Ashati supermarkets . Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 22(1), 102–106.

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