Relationship Between Compressive Strength and Tensile Strength in High-Strength Concrete

Ali Mahamoud Ghlaio (1) , Imhemmed Hasan Algott (2) , Abdalkrem khalifa Altresh (3) , Abdullah Ali Shafter (4)
(1) Department of Civil Engineering, Misrata University, Libya ,
(2) Department of Civil Engineering, Misrata University, Libya ,
(3) Department of Civil Engineering, Misrata University, Libya ,
(4) Department of Civil Engineering, Misrata University, Libya


In this study, laboratory tests were conducted on concrete specimens to determine the compressive strength and tensile strength of high-strength concrete. The compressive strength was calculated by testing 12 (10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm) cubes for each of three workability (low, medium, and high). The tensile strength was calculated using a direct shear test by testing 8 (15 cm x 15 cm) cylinders for each workability. The relationships between compressive strength and tensile strength of high-strength concrete were then determined for each workability. The results indicated that compressive strength increased with a decrease in the water-to-cement ratio (W/C) for all workabilities. The results also indicated that tensile strength increased with a decrease in W/C, but for the low workability, tensile strength decreased with a decrease in W/C until W/C = 0.45, after which tensile strength began to increase. The results also indicated that tensile strength ranged from 6% to 8% of compressive strength for all workabilities. Finally, the results indicated that the coefficient of variation (C.V) of tensile strength, compressive strength, and the tensile-to-compressive strength ratio decreased with increasing workability. This means that the results were more consistent with increasing mix. On the other hand, W/C ratio was more consistent with decreasing workability.            

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Ali Mahamoud Ghlaio
Imhemmed Hasan Algott
Abdalkrem khalifa Altresh
Abdullah Ali Shafter (Primary Contact)
علي محمود إغليو, إمحمد حسن القط, عبد الكريم خليفة الأطرش, & Shafter ع. ا. ع. (2024). Relationship Between Compressive Strength and Tensile Strength in High-Strength Concrete. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 23(1), 41–49.

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