A Diagnostic Study of Storm Daniel's Meteorological and Environmental Characteristics in Derna, Eastern Libya, 2023
Many climate change hotspots around the world are characterized by annual droughts, floods, and fires. In September 2023, the city of Derna became a significant hotspot that garnered global attention due to severe material and human losses caused by the semi-cyclonic Storm Daniel. This study examines the weather factors influencing this storm, including sea level pressure, precipitation, sea surface temperature, and wind speed, from the 8th to the 11th of September, with a focus on northeastern Libya, where the storm peaked on the 10th. The highest total precipitation recorded in Al-Marj was approximately 379.08 mm per day. Notable precipitation anomalies for September 2023 in northeastern Libya included daily anomalies of 10.91, 14.98, and 9.23 in Benghazi, Al-Marj, and Al-Bayda, respectively, with the highest anomaly recorded in Derna at approximately 16.44.
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