Effect of partial substitutions with barley flour on rheological properties of white flour dough and bread produced

Salah Ali Alhebeil, Naji Alhadi, Sumaia Shniba (1)
(1) , Libya


Effects of barley flour substitution on white wheat flour rheological and sensory properties of the produced bread were investigated in the current study. White wheat flour was produced from mixing of two types of wheats (Ukrainian and Canadian 1:1) with 72% extraction rate, while barley flour was prepared from local cultivar called Rihan. Wheat flour was partial substituted with Barley flour by 5, 15, 25, and 35%.  The Results showed that moisture, crude protein, total lipid, ash and fibre contents of barley flour were higher than those of wheat flour. Addition of barley flour resulted in increasing the values of arrival time, dough development time and values of critical dough coefficient which was measured by the device of fermentation pressure. On the other hand, results of amylogram curve showed slight decrease in the starting gelatinization temperature, as well as the maximum viscosity of the composite flours. Water absorption, dough stability, resistance to extension and dough strength of composite wheat flour doughs decreased comparing with the standard wheat flour dough. The quality and acceptability of the produced loaf from composite wheat flours decreased with increasing barley flour substitution, in comparison to the standard white wheat bread. However, composite flour with 5% and 15% of barley flour has acceptable quality in both physical and sensory properties.

صلاح علي الهبيل و ناجي الهادي الصادق و سمية مفتاح شنيبه. (2020). Effect of partial substitutions with barley flour on rheological properties of white flour dough and bread produced. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(2), 27–34. https://doi.org/10.51984/jopas.v19i2.737

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