Applications of inflow control technologies in horizontal well in Bouri Oilfield, Libya

Saleh hamid & Elnori Elhaddad (1)
(1) , Libya


One of the main challenges facing fluids of production from horizontal wells is an irregular influx along a horizontal section because of various drawdown across the wellbore due to heterogeneity in permeability. As a result, horizontal wells suffer from early water or gas breakthrough and declining recovery factor of hydrocarbons. To avoid this problem lower completion becomes more reservoir management-oriented by installing inflow control devices (ICDs) which used to balance influx along the horizontal well section, increase sweeping efficiency and improve oil recovery . This paper focuses on the Inflow Control devices (ICDs) to identify the advantages of ICD completion, ICD applications types, what their strengths and weaknesses are, limitations of this technology and recommendations for choosing it, including the Libyan Case Study of Bouri Field in Libya. In the absence of Inflow Control devices, the gas and water flow influence oil well production, causing a reduction in oil rate, increased water and gas rate cause further oil recovery reduction, and limitations in the surface's capacity of water and gas treatment facilities.

Saleh hamid & Elnori Elhaddad. (2020). Applications of inflow control technologies in horizontal well in Bouri Oilfield, Libya. Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences, 19(5), 79–85.

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