مقرر النساء و التوليد

مقرر النساء و التوليد

مقرر المادة

اسم المقرر/مقرر النساء و التوليد


مساندة أو تخصصية/  تخصصية

اجبارية أو اختيارية /  اجبارية


  • Obstetrics:

    Prepares an oriented physician who can face the responsibility of managing normal pregnancy, labor, and puerperium, as well as care of the normal newborn and it also prepares a capable physician responsible for the correct, early diagnosis of possible emergencies and complications that maybe encountered in Obstetrics; so sharing in reduction of maternal mortality.


    Knowledge of different patterns of normal and abnormal menstruation with reference to endogenous hormonal status from puberty to menopause and the  placement of emphasis on prevention and early detection, including the role of screening for pelvic infections and STDs.

    • Obstetrics Outcomes:

    1.Conception and pre-conceptional care and counseling:

    • Know the basic physiological background of fertilization, implantation, and early development of the fetus, placenta, and cord.
    • Identify infectious and genetic problems that may be detected.
    • Counsel about fate of these preconception problems.


    2.Antenatal period:

    • Know the different placental functions and abnormalities. Know the theories of formation and functions of liquor amnii. Know the basis of fetal circulation and Enumerate Physiological changes with pregnancy.
    • Mention procedures and enumerate biochemical testing of early pregnancy diagnosis and know how to diagnose pregnancy complications in each trimester.
    • Take history. Perform general and abdominal examination of normal pregnant cases including demonstration of understanding of instructions for women about normal pregnancy, counseling for minimal complications and Immunizations, including tetanus.
    • Mention diagnosis, differential diagnosis, complications and enumerate lines of management of hyperemesis gravidarum and pyelitis during pregnancy.
    • Demonstrate identification and palpation of renal angle for tenderness.
    • Define &enumerate risk factors, pathogenesis, diagnosis, fate, complications and lines of management of abortion, ectopic pregnancy, vesicular mole, antepartum hemorrhage and shock.
    • Understand the magnitude of high-risk pregnancy; its different etiologies, and identification systems, and emphasize preventable and avoidable causes especially cases of Diabetes mellitus (DM), anemia. Heart disease during pregnancy and hypertension with demonstration of detection of edema and measuring blood pressure and Diagnosis of emergencies such as eclampsia.
    • Mention aetiology, pathology, diagnosis, and management of amniotic fluid disorders (oligo-poly-amnionitis), fetal growth disorders and Rh isoimmunization.
    • Recognize and utilize basic diagnostic tools such as electronic fetal monitoring, non-stress test, and biophysical profile & intra-partum fetal monitoring.
    • Know definition, enumerate indications and safety of ultrasound in obstetrics and findings in different conditions.


    3.Intranatal care:

    • Enumerate the different anatomical measures of female pelvis and fetal skull and uterine action.
    • Define, enumerate physiology, mechanism, and management of normal labor.
    • Perform uterine massage and make sense of uterine tone feeling Perform routine neonatal examination.
    • Understand the different methods of local, regional, and general anesthesia and their complications.
    • Fill the items of the partograph and interpret it.
    • Define, mention all causes, diagnosis, and management of occipito-posterior position, face, brow, breech, shoulder, cord presentation and prolapse, complex presentation and multiple pregnancies.
    • Define and describe the causes, complications and diagnosis and treatment of the common types of contracted pelvis, soft tissue obstruction, abnormal uterine action, obstructed labor, ruptured uterus and genital tract during labor.



    • Enumerate all the causes, diagnosis and competently rank in order the lines of management of complications of third stage of labor, especially stressing on postpartum hemorrhage.
    • Diagnose second degree perineal lacerations.
    • Counsel postpartum women for breast feeding, self-care and future contraception.
    • Attend and observe episiotomy and Ventouse delivery.
    • Recognize physiological changes during puerperium with stress on causes, pathology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and management of puerperal pyrexia especially puerperal sepsis.
    • Mention indications, techniques, and complications of induction of labor.
    • Mention types, indications, technique, and complications of the obstetric forceps and ventouse in modern obstetrics.
    • Know the indications, types, techniques, and complications of cesarean section.
    • Recognize the indices, causes, and prevention of maternal and perinatal mortality.
    • Gynecology Outcomes:

    By the end of this course the student should be able to perform the following basics:

    Enumerate names, structure of and illustrate with diagram the anatomical features of the female genital tract and its development with reference to its clinical applications.

    1. Gynecological endocrinology and infertility:
    • Enumerate theories; describe physiology, anomalies, and management of puberty, & climacteric.
    • Demonstrate understanding of the physiology of and factors controlling.
    • Understand the types, causes, proper investigation, and management of abnormal bleeding.
    • Understand the types, causes, and treatment of dysmenorrhea and know the causes and management of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).


    1. Recognize the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of amenorrhea:

    Mention the magnitude of the infertility problem and its different etiologies, emphasizing preventable and avoidable causes and anovulation. He should recognize and utilize basic diagnostic tools, and treatment of infertility.


    1. Gynecological Infections:
    • Recognize causes, types, and methods of diagnosis and management of STIs.
    • Understand the normal vaginal flora, defensive mechanisms of the female genital tract, causative organisms, clinical picture, diagnosis, and treatment of both lower and upper (PID) genital tract infection and differential diagnosis, and management of vaginal discharge.
    • Understand the epidemiology, causes, diagnosis, complications, and management of genital bilharziasis and tuberculosis.


    1. Gynecological displacements, endometriosis and Sexual dysfunctions:
    • Demonstrate understanding of the magnitude of, causes (preventable and avoidable) and management of pruritus vulvae, genital prolapse, RVF, SI complete perineal tear and recto-vaginal fistulas problems.
    1. Gynecological Oncology:
    • Demonstrate understanding of the magnitude of, causes (preventable and avoidable) and management of uterine fibroid.
    • Enumerate and describe DD of vulvar swellings, dystrophies and vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN) and understand the pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of vulvar cancer.
    • Recognize the methods of diagnosis of CIN and invasive disease, observe cervical smear procedure, and mention lines of treatment and protocols of treatment of CIN and invasive cervical cancer.
    • Understand the risk factors, pathology, diagnosis, staging and treatment of endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial carcinoma, and uterine sarcomas including its early detection.
    • Recognize the classification and the pathology of benign and malignant ovarian tumorst, the investigations required for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer including its early detection and different protocols used for treatment of the various types of ovarian neoplasms.
    • Recognize the classification and the pathology of GTD, prognostic factors and the diagnostic work-up of choriocarcinoma and protocols of both the treatment and follow-up.


    1. Family planning:
    • Enumerate the different contraceptive methods: their uses, types, advantages, disadvantages, and complications, EBM opinions in Hormonal methods observe loop insertion and counsel cases about family planning selection and fertility regulation.
    • Professional and Practical Objectives:

    By the end of the course, students should be able to:

    • Observe the conduct of second and third stages of labor.
    • Attend management and observe signs of obstructed labor.
    • Recognize the causes, diagnosis, and management of post-term pregnancy and hazards of post-maturity, prematurity, intrauterine fetal deat
    • Recognize the types, etiology, clinical picture, prevention, and management of brain hemorrhage, brachial plexus injury, and skeletal and muscle injuries.
    • Recognize how to evaluate the newborn condition and to diagnose neonatal respiratory distress Learn how to competently resuscitate a newborn infant in respiratory distress.
    • Understand the magnitude of endometriosis, emphasizing preventable and avoidable risk factors and causes.
    • Understand the normal human sexual response and common sexual problems.

    • Fourth year students are posted in the department in two batches 60-80 students each. The students are divided into 5-6 subgroups for the clinical teaching.
    • The course in duration is ten weeks and given twice a year with two weeks revision following that.
    • Sessions are usually instructional.
    • Clinical total 60 sessions, each session of two hours include 30 minutes for history taking, the presentation and discussion.
    • Total obstetrics and gynecology lectures 95 covering the main topics in the subject.
    • Tutorial total of 468 hours covering the practical problems facing the obstetrics and gynaecology included the history of the main topics.
    • The students are handed a log-book to attend 5 deliveries, 2 dilatation and curettage. And to attend 2 caesarean sections and present at minimum of 2 clinical cases.

    • Written examination to assess knowledge and understanding and intellectual skills. Consists final written examination of a total of 80 marks. (40%)
    • Oral examination to assess knowledge and understanding, attitude and general skills total of 40 marks. (20%)
    • Practical examination to assess practical skills in diagnosis of total of 80 marks. (40%)
    • Total marks for this course 200 marks.
